Self Empowerment

This is guided to men and women who feel they want to understand more of themselves by looking deeper into their mind body and spirit. Finding out how they work at a deeper level.

By clearing blocks we are able to change everyday situations, look at events in a more positive way, enhancing our individual power for the benefit od our own well being.

Trust in our own judgement not relying so heavily on others.

Encompassing our sense of power and self worth.

Clearly focus on goals in our life, and finish what we start.

Be more comfortable in our own skin enjoying a fuller happier contented life.

My belief is that every individual is a perfect being. Once we can release blocks of resistance, negative energy that darkens our thoughts, then we can again flourish into our greatest potential, and truly give and receive from all around us.

This can be offered in pairs (couples accepted) & small groups, are once a week over ten weeks, weekend courses are also sometimes available.

For further information contact Wendy Townsend – 07989 680310

What others thought of past courses.

Wendy many thanks for helping me to see a little more deeply inside myself, I’ve appreciated your warm, gentle, unpressured guidance and wisdom. Hope to learn more from you in the future.


What a beautiful lovely person you are. You have been so caring and supportive of all of us and I look forward to working with you again.


Thank you for your patience, understanding, wisdom love and guidance, I’ve really enjoyed the group very much.


Wendy your spirituality is amazing – you are such a talented person with huge understanding, much appreciation of your warmth and direction.


Much appreciation of your warmth and direction, you have been so caring and supportive of all of us, this has allowed me to open myself to more than I thought possible before, becoming far more aware of patterns in my life that I can now change.

The weekend course has been inspirational and has given me the fantastic tools for life. Everything was so valuable and you, as always create such a positive and purposeful atmosphere. I cannot thank you enough for giving me the opportunity which I will treasure for all my life on this plane and beyond.

The weekend of guided self help and group meditation was an emotive and enlightening experience that was thoroughly appropriate and facilitated the needs of all involved. Wendy spiritually (and professionally) guided us as a group of individuals on a 2 day journey of self discovery, clearing paths of blocks and resistance that weeded out old beliefs through a range of exercises and meditations.

Illuminating, invaluable understanding and learning, it taught me tools that have enhanced my sense of well being and better manage my expectations by being true to self.

Thank you Wendy and all of the group.


Have you felt recently with all the rushing of everyday life, that it might be nice to have some relaxing you time?

Just as you may take a soak in the bath when you’re body is in need of relaxation and rejuvenation. meditation allows your mind to have that bath too.

Taking time out from all the clutter and activity of  everyday life, to sooth away the rigours of the day.

Being gently taken on a relaxing journey of discovery.

These Meditations help you to find out a little more about you, gently healing your mind body and soul.

Wendy privately teaches breath, chakra, energy work of various levels, this can be on a one to one basis, or in small groups.

For further information contact Wendy Townsend – 07989 680310

Future Life Progression

This therapy is helpful to those clients that have received Past Life Regression, are comfortable with the process.  Releasing past issues and beliefs and are now looking to their future in a clearer light.

By coming to an understanding of your past you can then begin to change your future.

Future Life Progression is very useful when you are struggling to make life changing decisions.

What of your future? What path should you take? Maybe it’s a career choice? Unsure of a relationship? The question could be should you move house?

This complementary therapy can help you to make your own decisions with confidence from your soul level.

The right choices for you.